Dan Runte - 35 years of excellence!

Dan Runte - 35 years of excellence!
Who would have ever guessed that one man would dedicate his life to BIGFOOT and the sport of Monster Trucks! Dan has been with us for 35 years and 1 day, which is an accomplishment in itself. He has been with us longer than any other, going through the good years, the lean years, and all the years in between. He has flown further, been faster, and won more in a BIGFOOT truck than anyone else ever has! Dan has driven everything BIGFOOT, even Fastrax. He has worked with every sponsor, every sponsored truck and has shown true professionalism in every aspect of our business. If Dan was having a hard day, no one, not our fans, sponsors or promoters ever saw it. He has shown more people how to drive a monster truck safely and efficiently than most anyone in the industry. He has accomplished so much and done so many things for us that it would take a book to list them all.
We are grateful, lucky and honored to have Dan work with us for this long and would almost certainly not be where we are today without him.
Thanks for all you have accomplished, done and continue to do!