Josh Baumgartner



Residence: Grove City, MN
Birthplace: Litchfield, MN
Kids: 1 son - Mason
Favorite Type of Food: Home cooking and Mexican.
Favorite Type of Music: Almost all music. There is very little that I don't like. I like rock the most!
Hobbies: RC trucks and RC airplanes.
Describe Yourself: Down to earth, hard worker that is always trying to help and loved to have fun.
Hired at BIGFOOT: February 2024.
Been Competing Since: 2017
Why Did I Become a BIGFOOT Driver: My father brought me to almost every monster truck show growing up, always remembered watching Bigfoot, and dreamed of one day driving that name.  With this opportunity I am truly grateful to be able to represent the Bigfoot name on my new truck.
Favorite Place To Do a Show: This is a tough one as they are all fun, but the crowd at Elko Speedway for their 4th of July show is crazy, and a ton of fun as that was the venue I performed my first ever show!
Greatest Accomplishment: Getting the opportunity to run Bigfoot on the Insanity Tour.
Like most about being a monster truck driver: The stories people tell about the first time they remember seeing the truck perform.
Career highlight: Building a state-of-the-art brand new truck from the ground up in 28 days.
Ritual Done Before an Event: I always try to do a slow drive by the crowd and wave before freestyle, and try to hit the first jump with big air to announce my presence!
Something you want to try in a Bigfoot truck: Backflip...
Describe What Being a Monster Truck Driver is Like: Living a dream and trying to show every kid that looks up to you that hard work pays off, and you can do anything you put your mind to with dedication!

