Rebecca Schnell

Rebecca Schnell


Residence: Missouri
Birthplace: North Carolina
Marital Status: Married (to fellow BIGFOOT driver Darron Schnell)
Favorite Type of Food: Salmon sushi and tacos!!
Favorite Type of Music: Country
Hobbies: Cooking, riding dirt bikes and saving lives.
Describe Yourself: Travel Emergency Room Nurse, energetic, outgoing.
Hired at BIGFOOT: 2019
Why Did I Become a BIGFOOT Driver: I got tired of watching Darron [husband and other BIGFOOT driver Darron Schnell] have so much fun with the fans that I decided to join.
Favorite Place To Do a Show: Charlotte and Wildwood.
Greatest Accomplishment: Winning my first freestyle event in Copenhagen, Denmark.  I was simply trying to get a handle on driving, so winning that so quickly was a shocking moment.
Like most about being a monster truck driver: Getting to inspire all the young girls and boys that come to meet us.
Career highlight: For sure, driving and competing in Europe for Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live as the first female driver in their tour.
Ritual Done Before an Event: I like to dance it out, listen to feel good music and high-five Darron.
Describe What Being a Monster Truck Driver is Like: Invariably the best ride you can imagine with adrenaline flooding your veins.


Rebecca Schnell’s Accomplishments

2020 - Competed in the first Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live European tour


Rebecca Schnell

Rebecca Schnell


